Medieval Software
Country: Italy - City: Rome Web Site: Web siteMedieval Software products:
Medieval CUE Splitter 1.2 (Medieval CUE Splitter download)CUE Splitter is a freeware tool that split a single big audio track, mostly an album or a compilation, into the relative individual audio tracks, using informations contained in the associated "CUE" file. See also:CUE file splitter software, CUE splitter software, CUE split software, CUE file split software, CUE MP3 file splitter software, CUE MP3 splitter software,
Bluetooth File Transfer (Bluetooth File Transfer download)Manage files of your OBEX ready device that support File Transfer Profile (FTP), using a Bluetooth connection. Download, upload, explore, delete and create files on your phone, PDA, palm, notebook, and so on, using a fast and straightforward program! See also:bluetooth software, obex software, file software, transfer software, profile software, manager software,
Bluetooth File Transfer FULL 1.70 (Bluetooth File Transfer FULL download)Use your cell phone to browse, explore and manage files of any Bluetooth ready device (File Transfer Profile - OBEX FTP)! See also:bluetooth software, j2me software, java software, file software, client software, obex software,