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Sothink SWF to FLA Converter Best Flash decompiler convert SWF to FLA or FLEX and extract Flash resources.

Best Flash decompiler convert SWF to FLA or FLEX and extract Flash resources.
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O in short: Professional Flash Decompiler for you to convert SWF to FLA or FLEX and easily extract Flash resources like images sounds(mp3 wav) videos(flv) ActionScript etc. Supports Flash 8/9(CS3)/10(CS4) and ActionScript 3; Multilingual and user-friendly.

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Sothink SWF to FLA Converter 5.5
Best Flash decompiler convert SWF to FLA or FLEX and extract Flash resources. Screen Shot
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Sothink SWF Decompiler is a comprehensive solution for Flash fans to use as: SWF to FLA converter, SWF to FLEX converter, SWF elements extractor, and online Flash downloader.

You can easily convert SWF to FLA or FLEX project, and extract Flash resources in batch mode. Almost all SWF elements can be extracted, such as shapes, images, sounds (mp3, wav), videos (flv), frames, fonts, texts, buttons, sprites, ActionScript, etc.

This Flash decompiler is compatible with Windows 7. It fully supports Flash 6/7(MX 2004)/ 8/9(CS3)/10(CS4) and ActionScript 2.0/3.0, and globally search all ActionScript is supported. A built-in Flash player is available for you to play SWF/FLV/F4V smoothly.

To satisfy different users' requirements, SWF Decompiler offers multi-language interfaces, including English, German, French, Traditional Chinese, Italian and Korean. It also provides a free online Flash downloader, SWF Catcher, which will assist you to capture and save Flash from IE or Firefox.

Main Features:
Industry-leading Flash Decompiler
* Convert SWF to FLA
* Convert SWF to FLEX project
* Extract SWF elements
* Extract SWF from Flash EXE
* Office 2007 style, multi-language interface: English, German, French, Traditional Chinese, Italian, Korean

Full Compatibility
* Fully support Flash 6/7(MX 2004)/ 8/9(CS3)/10(CS4)
* Support ActionScript 2.0/3.0
* Compatible with Windows 7
* Support Flash components

Powerful Flash Decompile Capability
* Decompile SWF in batch mode
* Decompile the standard EXE made by Adobe Flash to FLA
* Navigate and browse resources in preview window before SWF decompile
* Show AS Class structure like folder-tree according to its path in package when decompile AS3.0. Globally search all ActionScript is supported.
* Export ActionScript file in AS, BIN or HTML
* Export the FLV video from Flash

Useful Assistance
* Provide SWF Catcher to download online Flash from IE or Firefox
* Offer a built-in Flash player to play SWF/FLV/F4V

best Best Flash decompiler, SWF to FLA converter
Download now Sothink SWF to FLA Converter!
Sothink SWF to FLA Converter Free Download

(File size: 11418 Kb)

Price $ 79.99 /
Buy Sothink SWF to FLA Converter Now!

Purchase Sothink SWF to FLA Converter
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(to see additional options, click Buy Now)
Type: Shareware
File size: 11418 Kb
Date: 04/01/2010
Install support: Install and Uninstall
OS: Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP
System requirements: Windows operating system
Language: English, Chinese, ChineseTraditional, French, German, Italian, Korean
Recent changes in this Minor Update:
*Support playing FLV, F4V saved on your local disk . *Upgrade SWF catcher for firefox to version 1.4.


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See above information and user's reviews about Sothink SWF to FLA Converter Best Flash decompiler convert SWF to FLA or FLEX and extract Flash resources.
See also other good software tools: Web: Web:HTML Utilities

Best Flash decompiler convert SWF to FLA or FLEX and extract Flash resources.
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