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If you're buried alive in email, let Mailbag Assistant come to your rescue with powerful tools to search, organize, analyze, and archive your mountain of messages. It complements your mail program, opens all your messages with ease, and leaves your original message files completely intact. Use it to find relevant correspondence fast, extract attachments and HTML messages, create compressed email archives, export messages, and much more.

(A feature-rich, friendly and powerful helper for people buried in email.)If you

If you're buried alive in email, let Mailbag Assistant come to the rescue with turbocharged tools to search, organize, analyze and archive your mountain of messages -- tools that are inadequate or simply unavailable in conventional mail programs. Mailbag Assistant complements your mail program without interfering with it. It reads and processes your current and archived emails with ease, whether they are stored on your computer, on networked drives, or on removable media.The powerful search tools provide both easy-to-use wizards and advanced features like Boolean operators with multiple criteria. In addition to searching for exact matches in your emails, Mailbag Assistant lets you search for approximate and Soundex (sound-based) matches. These flexible tools make it simple to define, group and find relevant messages quickly and accurately.If you're not an experienced computer user, you'll enjoy the program's simple grid layout, which allows you to sort e-mails in many ways just by clicking column headings. You can also use Mailbag Assistant's E-mail Wizard and Quick-Match searches to track down messages quickly and easily.If you're a power user, you'll appreciate tools for creating message subsets, extracting addresses and attachments, and compiling traffic and word statistics. You can also take advantage of a full-featured scripting language to create custom operations and automate repetitive tasks like opening message folders, searching through correspondence, and archiving emails.Whether you're maintaining message folders with thousands of emails, or just want to save time hunting down a few old ones, Mailbag Assistant makes it much easier to perform searches, organize your emails efficiently, and archive them for rapid retrieval.Mailbag Assistant supports Outlook Express, Eudora, Mozilla, Thunderbird, Netscape, Pegasus, The Bat!, Forte Agent, Unix mail, Opera Mail, Calypso, Courier Mail, PocoMail, Barca, FoxMail, and EML message files.
email, mailbox, organizer, export, archive, Outlook Express

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