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Download Rainbow Drops Buster Deluxe - free software download links

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An incredibly addictive puzzle collapse game of simple logic. Challenge your skills in five different game modes with bonuses, tricks, etc. Test your skills in timed modes or challenge yourself in tactical or strategic modes. Enjoy superb music and graphics. A great game for all ages and any time!

(Incredible addictive collapse game. Challenge your skills in five game modes.)An incredibly addictive puzzle collapse game of simple logic. Challenge your skills in five different game modes with bonuses, tricks, etc. Test your skills in timed modes or challenge yourself in tactical or strategic modes.

An incredibly addictive puzzle collapse game of simple logic. Challenge your skills in five different game modes with bonuses, tricks, etc. Test your skills in timed modes or challenge yourself in tactical or strategic modes. Enjoy superb music and graphics. A great game for all ages and any time!

Your goal is to remove as many drops as possible by clicking on the group of drops. Drops rise up according to the game mode, and you must not let drops reach the top. Only a group of more than three (3+) identical drops can be removed. If you remove a group of 20+ drops at once, you earn twice the score.

It may sound easy, but the challenge is to bust the drops and score more points. Avoiding isolation of a drop is yet another challenge. There are also bonuses to help you blow up the drops. The game becomes more difficult when you move on to higher levels. The starting level of the drops is higher and the speed is faster from level to level.

* 5 game modes to test your different skills
* 7 color drops make various combinations of drops making the game more interesting
* 5 bonus drops to help you with Rainbow Drop bursts
* Ability to start game at any level from 1 to 10
* Two different skill levels

There are five game modes available:
Classic - The original mode where drops rise up only until it fills the next drops field. Drops are inserted from the bottom of drops on the field.
Spring tactics - This game mode is similar to classic, but here drops rise up after each drop is burst.
Cloud-burst - In this mode, weather adds an interesting touch.
Rain strategy - This game mode is a combination of the Cloud-burst and Spring tactics game modes. In this mode, drops fall from the top after each drop bursts.
Flood nonstop - After the rain, we have a flood. And it doesn't want to stop! In this game mode, drops rise up without any pauses.

rainbow brops buster deluxe, rainbow brops buster, collapse, game, puzzle, logic

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