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Are you tired of forgetting passwords? Silverlock increases productivity and security by protecting your passwords and other valuable information with military-grade AES encryption. Create strong, unique passwords to protect your logins, services, and apps. Silverlock securely stores website logins, notes with rich-text formatting, contacts, Wi-Fi passwords, files, software licenses and much more securely behind your master password.

(The world's most advanced password manager and secure digital wallet.)Secure everything with Silverlock - the world

Secure everything with Silverlock - the world's most advanced password manager and secure digital wallet.

Are you tired of forgetting passwords? Silverlock increases productivity and security by protecting your passwords and other valuable information with military-grade AES encryption. Create strong, unique passwords to protect your logins, services, and apps. Silverlock securely stores website logins, notes with rich-text formatting, contacts, Wi-Fi passwords, files, software licenses and much more securely behind your master password.


Silverlock uses industry standard, military-grade 256-bit AES encryption to protect your data, along with PBKDF2 password hashing and best practices for cryptographically secure random number generation and authenticated encryption techniques. All encryption and decryption is performed on your computer and your master password is never sent to any remote servers or taken out of your control in any way.


Multiple Vaults. Stay organized with multiple vaults. Securely switch between vaults to separate personal information, client work or your business without entering your master password twice.

Multiple Databases. Create multiple databases with different master passwords to separate and share secure data with friends or co-workers.

Sync. Stop paying to sync your data. Silverlock seamlessly integrates with iCloud, Dropbox, and more. The cloud is always an option and is never required.

Secure Password Generator. Never use the same password twice. Generate strong, unique passwords to protect your data from hackers. Weak website logins can easily be compromised by guessing programs, dictionary-word programs, and shoulder surfing. Silverlock creates incredibly strong passwords for your apps, services, and websites.

Password Strength Analyzer. The Password Strength Analyzer
checks the overall strength of your existing passwords with smart analysis techniques.
password, manager, security, encryption, digital, wallet

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