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IGS Replicator is a solution for the exchange of data between SQL databases. The working environment offers all the features of a powerful and easy-to-use solution to handle all of your data movement tasks. All the functions you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment, and the program handles most of the complex technical aspects of a replication for you.

(IGS Replicator 2.5 is a solution for the exchange of data between SQL databases.)IGS Replicator 2.5 is a solution for the universal exchange of data between SQL databases. The working environment offers all the features of a powerful and easy-to-use solution to handle all of your data movement tasks.

IGS Replicator 2.5 makes the exchange of data between databases a pleasure. All the functions you need are at your fingertips in a single intuitive environment. The IGS Replicator handles most of the complex technical aspects of the process. Its working environment offers all the features of a powerful and easy-to-use solution to handle all common data movement tasks including online backup. It scans the structure of the connected databases automatically and displays it in a structured and clear manner. The selection of tables and columns as well as the setup of conditions for the data transfer is fast and intuitive. If you once have to solve a really hard task - you can go into the deep of SQL with the execution of SQL statements before, during or after the replication. On demand, all insert-operations are logged. Easy to use! Each functional block has its own tab. The list of the database tables is always visible. Thus you have at any time an overview about the current state of the development of your replication task. The new dialog "Action-Selection" helps you to select the desired action directly at the start of the program or later. It displays also the list of the 'last recent files' with up to 50 entries. An unattended operation of the IGS replicator is possible and is enabled by the task scheduling of the operating system. Additional security mechanisms prevent unintentional replication. Just work! There is no worry about deeply hidden features and functions. Just launch the program and start working. The user interface is transparent and straightforward. You don't have to spend lots of time for getting familiar with IGS Replicator. Fine user assistance! If there are any questions, the built-in comprehensive help system will give the answers. IGS Replicator checks your replication files after opening, before storing and executing to prevent irregular states in the files.
replication software, data replication software, IGS Replicator software, replicator software, unattended operation software, referential integrity software

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