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Add-In for Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP, designed to perform the routine operations on sending files and messages automatically. Say, you have to send everyday reports about the volume of goods in stock to the head office. Every day, after you create the document, you need to create a new message, attach the document, and send it. Add-In offers simpler solution: just copy file to folder and Outlook send it specified recipients automatically.

(Copy file to folder and Outlook send it specified recipients automatically.)Add-In for Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP checks the changes in specified files and sends it by e-mail as attachment or message

File Send Automatically (FSA) is an add-in for Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP, designed to perform the routine operations on sending files and messages automatically. Say, you have to send everyday reports about the volume of goods in stock to the head office. Every day, after you create the document, you need to create a new message, attach the document, and send it. FSA offers much simpler solution: save the document to the folder monitored by the add-in or just drag it there - and nothing else to do!

Then, the procedure not only becomes simpler, the probability of user's mistake, such as sending the document to a wrong address or misspelling the address, is reduced. Moreover, a user doesn't need to know anything about the Internet, nor needs he to have any knowledge of Microsoft Outlook! It is enough that Outlook is added to the Windows launch list.

FSA may prove helpful both to novice users and to system administrators. The possibility to trace file changes makes the add-in a perfect tool for program log monitoring. As soon as a new entry appears in an error log, system administrator will receive the notification message with the log or log text attached.

Since there is a possibility to send text and HTML not only as attachments but also in message body, FSA can be used for mass mailing. For example, you create a message body in the HTML using a specialized editor. Using the add-in, you will be having no problems with incorporating HTML document into a message: it will look absolutely the same as when it was created.

File Send Automatically is a great Microsoft Outlook automation tool, and we are sure you will find it reliable and convenient.
msoutlook, outlook, addin, addon, plugin, outlook software

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