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Equipped with a free audio recorder, Audio Redo enables you to record live performances, capture audio from turntables and tape players, extract audio from CDs and more, preserving 100% of the original audio quality. Meanwhile, it allows editing the recording or other audio files in the visual workplace. This free audio editing software also makes it easy to add audio effects to your output audio segment to create beautiful music.

(Free audio editing software for audio recording, editing & enhancement.)Audio Redo is audio editing software specially designed for audio recording, editing and enhancement. You can record any audio that you hear using the audio recorder and edit the recording or other audio files in the visual workplace.

Audio Redo is audio editing software specially designed for audio recording, editing and enhancement. It can help user set up digital audio workstation at home without spending a big load of money. Equipped with a free audio recorder, Audio Redo enables you to record live performances, capture audio from turntables and tape players, extract audio from CDs and many more. It uses a virtual sound card to record any audio played through your computer's sound card, preserving 100% of the original audio quality.

Meanwhile, audio can be viewed in zoomable waveform/spectral mode with the detailed decimals, sample values, decibel values, etc. displayed. It is convenient to visually select the part of the audio by dragging-and-dropping the mouse. You can edit the selected part by cut, copy, paste, delete, crop, etc. Use unlimited Undo & Redo to correct wrong operations.

This free audio editing software makes it easy to add audio effects to your output audio segment to create beautiful music, such as Amplify, Delay, Equalizer, Fade, Flange, Invert, Echo and so on. What's more, the real-time preview enables you to hear the results before mixing down to a single file.

Audio Redo can play an important role involving with your everyday editing scenarios: making two master recordings flow seamlessly into one another; changing the length of a sound to fit a specific gap; removing unwanted noises or gaps from a recording; isolating short part of an audio file for corrective or creative processing; removing a verse, shortening the introduction, duplicating a chorus, add a new middle eight and hundreds of others. This free audio editing software gives both presets and manual adjustment to change the quality of sound effects as well as output files. It gives several other tools that might come useful in music creation or production like batch audio converter, TTS (text-to-speech) converter, ID3 tag editor, etc.
audio editor software, audio editing software, free audio editing software software, free audio editor software, free audio editor software software, audio recorder software

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