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DBConvert for MS FoxPro & MySQL is a database converter which performs MS FoxPro to MySQL and MySQL to MS FoxPro conversions. Features: Unicode Support, Primary keys and Indexes conversion, Interactive multilinqual (GUI) mode / command line mode, data filters, renaming of tables, fields and indexes before conversion. You can also save data to PHP script or to dump file that allows you to get over any restrictions on access to MySQL database.
Bi-directional DB conversion tool for MySQL and MS FoxPro databases)

DBConvert for MS FoxPro & MySQL is a database migration tool for data conversion from MS FoxPro database to MySQL server and MySQL db to Microsoft FoxPro.
You can convert FoxPro to MySQL or MySQL to FoxPro simply by configuring several options through Wizard interface or in command line mode. The ability to organize application work using command line parameters is supplemented with a scheduler so you can run the program without user control after task scheduling.
If direct access to your MySQL base is denied (insufficient privileges), you can save your data into PHP script or dump file to overcome such restrictions.The destination file will consist of MySQL statements to create all the tables and to fill them with the data. Using this dump file MySQL server administrator will add data to your MySQL database. With this tool you can also generate FoxPro program files (.prg) with SQL-script inside if you need to update remote FoxPro databases.
Features: Unicode Support, Primary keys and Indexes conversion, Interactive multilingual (English, German, French, Russian) GUI mode for all tools / advanced command line mode, data filtering, renaming of tables, fields, indexes before conversion.
You can check each program step with savable log files and run again conversion with stored session files keeping all your inputs and settings.
For data protection during conversion process you can open SSH tunnel for secure communication between remote computers using data encryption. One of the key things of database managing is the ability to filter data during conversion. Integrated data filters allow users to retrieve only specific data for converted tables according to defined filtering criterias (conditions). Filters give you more control on data migration process.
To guide you through all conversion stages and settings adjustment for Filters, SSH and customization options detailed help file is enclosed as well.
foxpro to mysql program, mysql to foxpro program, convert mysql to foxpro program, ms foxpro to mysql program, foxpro para mysql program, foxpro import mysql program