Download Tipard PDF Converter Platinum - free software download links
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Disclaimer: to our best knowledge this download comes from a website that is safe (the last time we checked it, it was), but for your peace of mind (and better safe than sorry) we advise you to run an antivirus on the downloaded file. Do not rely on MSWindows, Internet explorer, or on the electronic signature: a unsigned download is usually as safe as a signed one, signed just means the author paid Microsoft or Verisign for a stamp, it does not mean verified. Please kindly report us problems with detail (click here to report), if any. Tipard PDF Converter Platinum is employed to convert PDF to Text, Word, Excel, EPUB, PowerPoint 2007, HTML, and image(TIFF/JPEG/PNG/GIF/BMP/TGA/PPM) format. It also allows users to define the image size, color, quality, customize output layout, text encoding, image format/quality/resolution, etc, choose the output language, and convert self-defined page(s) or all pages. It supports OCR to improve the accuracy of output files.( Convert PDF files to Image/Text/Word/Excel/PowerPoint/EPUB/HTML.) Tipard PDF Converter Platinum is specially designed for users to convert PDF to Text, Word, Excel, EPUB, PowerPoint, HTML, and image(TIFF/JPEG/PNG/GIF/BMP/TGA/PPM) format. And users can define the image size, color, quality, customize output layout, text encoding, image format/quality/resolution, etc, choose the output language, and convert self-defined page(s) or all pages. Moreover, it has been added Digital Signature function.
Key Features
1. Convert PDF to multipule formats
With this software, you can get text file from PDF and enjoy it with WordPad, you can convert your PDF file to Word (doc/rtf), Excel, Poweroint, EPUB, HTML and images such as in TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TGA, PPM for further edting.
2. Various output settings
Users can freely choose how many pages they want to convet, several or all. Besides, other output settings are prepared by this software for users: For image files, users can define the output image size, color, quality, etc., For document, users can decide output layout, text encoding, image format/quality/resolution etc. With this software, users can convert several PDF files to different output formats with merely one click.
3. Support OCR technology and multipule languages
With OCR technology, this software can easily distinguish text from scanned, image-based PDF files, and then convert it to another text-based file. It also supports multi-language PDF files, such as English, German, French, Japanese, Latin, Korean, Turkish, Thai, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese, etc. PDF Converter program, PDF to Word program, PDF to TXT program
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