(sometimes we provide two download links because it may happen that the main server / link is overloaded or slow or non responding - the files are identical. Just choose one, save to the Desktop, double click to install)
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safe (the last time we checked it, it was), but for your peace of mind (and better safe than sorry) we advise you to run an
antivirus on the downloaded file. Do not rely on MSWindows, Internet explorer, or on the electronic signature: a unsigned download is usually as safe as a signed one, signed just means the author paid Microsoft or Verisign for a stamp, it does not mean verified. Please kindly
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Scratchboard is a time-saving organizer that is designed to provide rapid access to your important information. Data is arranged in a 'tree' structure, just like a hard drive. Text can be entered into each branch of the tree, and copied to the clipboard with a simple double-click. This makes Scratchboard perfect for quickly filling out forms.
A tool for organizing personal information in a 'tree' strucutre.)

Scratchboard is a time-saving organizer that is designed to provide rapid access to your important information. Data is arranged in a "tree" structure, just like a hard drive. Text can be entered into each branch of the tree, and copied to the clipboard with a simple double-click. This makes Scratchboard perfect for quickly filling out forms. In addition to an arsenal of text editing tools, Scratchboard supports global search and replace, bookmarking, macros, spell checking, encryption, password protection, a skinnable interface, and much more. It's time to stop using scraps of paper. It's time to get organized with Scratchboard!
text, editor, tree, personal, productivity, organizer