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Smart Reminder will help you keep track of all your contacts, events and tasks. Smart Reminder will remind you when you have an appointment, bill payment, unfinished task or when someone's birthday occurs so that you never miss anything important! The program can also import contacts from Outlook, create web pages for any contact, backup all the data with only one click, attach files to any contact, export to Yahoo ad book & has multiuser sup

(Advanced personal information manager that helps you organize your life.)Smart Reminder will help you keep track of all your contacts, events and tasks. Smart Reminder will remind you when you have an appointment, bill payment, unfinished task or when someone

Smart Reminder is an advanced personal information manager that helps you organize your life. Some of Smart Reminder's key features are:
* Organize your personal or business contacts in multiple contact groups.
* Assign a specific view style to each contact group.
* Export your contacts to Symbian based mobile phones.
* Store all your contact data in the address book (including birthdays, addresses, home, mobile and work phones, e-mail, most popular instant messengers and pictures.)
* Keep your information private by using password protection;
* Smart Reminder has multi-user support so that all the users of a computer can have individual databases and settings.
* Quickly search any item using just a few letters from its name.
* Quickly find and print all available information of any contact.
* Create web pages containing the profile of any contact.
* Set reoccurring reminders for birthdays and anniversaries, appointments and meetings.
* Your personal calendar is only one click away, showing reminders for today or months ahead.
* Quickly move all your data between two computers.
* There are many keyboard shortcuts allowing you to easily grab all information you need or execute a task.
* Add notes with only one mouse click without having Smart Reminder active.
* Send e-mails and notes to any contact with only one click.
* Import all the contacts from your windows address book.
* Easily attach files to any contact in your database by dragging the files into that contact's profile.
* Export all contacts to your Outlook or Yahoo address book.
* Built-in image editor to create small pictures for the profiles.
software organizer software, appointments reminder software, contact manager software, organizer software, birthday reminder software, address book software

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