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An affordable solution for small and medium size companies that handle their equipment, material, and other purchases via purchase order. If you've been wanting to get away from using pre-printed forms but haven't been able to find any reasonably priced purchasing software, this is the answer. This program is stand-alone - not an add-in module for some complicated and expensive enterprise accounting package. It simply saves you time, period.

(Practical, easy to use software to help with writing purchase orders.)Practical, easy to use software to help with writing purchase orders. If you

An affordable solution for small and medium size companies that handle their equipment, material, and other purchases via purchase order. If you've been wanting to get away from using pre-printed forms but haven't been able to find any reasonably priced purchasing software, this is the answer. This program is stand-alone - not an add-in module for some complicated and expensive enterprise accounting package. It simply saves you time writing purchase orders, period.Allows you to build a database of all the items you normally buy, including description, unit of measure, unit cost, and vendor. Simply double-click any item and it is instantly added to your purchase order. Items can be added on-the-fly , so you can start being productive right away.One-time items can be added to an order, plus stock items can be modified after being selected, without changing them in the stock list.Stores all your vendor and destination addresses for re-use. You only need to type them in one time; from then on out you simply select from a drop-down list. It also automatically stores misc. info such as payment terms, authorization names, FOB points, job numbers, and more in easy to use drop-down lists. Saved purchase orders can always be recalled later on for re-printing, general reference, or to be copied and used as the basis for similar new orders. The saved order list can be sorted by PO number, job number, date, vendor, destination, ship date, or amount with one mouse click; no more rooting through file cabinets to find things.Customize the appearance or orders by changing the font, and/or adding your own company logo graphic. Print on company letterhead too. Change all the wording on the forms like you want it, even into different languages!Purchase Order can either be installed on a single machine and store it's data locally, or installed on multiple machines and use a shared data directory.
purchasing program, industrial purchasing program, requisitions program, acquisitions program, equipment program, equipment purchasing program

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