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Bugged Out Rally is a fun racing game where you take control of bugs instead of cars! There are total of eight bugs in the game. Player starts with a beetle, the weakest bug, but can be upgraded to a faster and a higher performance bugs. To do this, races must be won and earnings collected. Bugs are won and earned in this order: beetle, ladybug, cockroach, grasshopper, hornet, praying mantis, scorpion, and blackwidow.

(Bugged Out Rally is a fun racing game with bugs instead of cars!)Bugged Out Rally is a fun racing game where you take control of bugs instead of cars! There are total of eight bugs in the game. Player starts with a beetle, the weakest bug, but can be upgraded to a faster and a higher performance bugs.

There are total of eight bugs in the game. Player starts with a beetle, the weakest bug, but can be upgraded to a faster and a higher performance bugs. To do this, races must be won and earnings collected. Bugs are won and earned in this order: beetle (given), ladybug, cockroach, grasshopper, hornet, praying mantis, scorpion, and blackwidow. When starting with weaker bugs, one must use tactics or strategies to win the races. The latter four are fast, have better performance wheels, and tougher armor. Once you acquire one of those, it's matter of seeing how many kills you can get and how fast you can finish the race.
There are also eight unique race tracks in the game. Most unusual are "Ocean Side", where most of the track is laid out under water, and the "Lunar", where 60% gravity of Earth is simulated - once airborne it takes some time to come back down. There are also hazards in the game, such as spitting frogs, dust-devil, falling boulders, and so on. Challenges are different for each track.
All tracks contain booster pads and we have placed the boosters close together in two tracks to achieve continuous boost from one to the nex before the boost energy is drained. The speedometer tops out at 180 but that speed is reached rather quickly and the bugs continue to accelerate with every boost. The lower-end bugs are fast but the higher-end bugs are blazing fast.
Weapons in the game: "zinger" - a self-guided rockets, and "magno bomb" - actually a levitating mine that will follow your opponents. There are health paks, or wrenches, in the first few levels to get the players going but we omitted them in advanced tracks to makes it more challenging.

simulation software, racing software, sports software, rally software, arcade software

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