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Blurry images are universal in our life. There are many causes: camera shakes, defocussing, or the rapid movements of the object. Here we present SmartDeblur, a user friendly tool with comprehensive features aiming to remove the blurs and recover the details. SmartDeblur can remove various types of blur: Complex motion blur, Gaussian blur, Out-of-Focus blur. SmartDeblur has easy and user friendly interface with built-in help and examples.
SmartDeblur is a tool for restoring defocused and blurry images)

Blurry images are universal in our life. There are many causes:
camera shakes, defocussing, or the rapid movements of the object.
Here we present SmartDeblur, a user friendly tool with comprehensive features aiming to remove the blurs and recover the details.
SmartDeblur can remove various types of blur:
- Complex motion blur
- Gaussian blur
- Out-of-Focus blur
SmartDeblur has easy and user friendly interface with built-in help and examples.
Just load your blurred image and click on the "Analyze Blur" button - the rest will be done automatically!
Also SmartDeblur has many advanced options to tune obtained results - kernel editor, manual analysis region selection etc.
sharpening, deblurring, deconvolution, enhancement, photography, restoration