Download kjClipper Photo Editor - free software download links
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Disclaimer: to our best knowledge this download comes from a website that is safe (the last time we checked it, it was), but for your peace of mind (and better safe than sorry) we advise you to run an antivirus on the downloaded file. Do not rely on MSWindows, Internet explorer, or on the electronic signature: a unsigned download is usually as safe as a signed one, signed just means the author paid Microsoft or Verisign for a stamp, it does not mean verified. Please kindly report us problems with detail (click here to report), if any. With kjClipper Photo Editor you can extract, edit, and recombine selections from a graphic image. A full suite of foreground selection and background exclusion tools are provided. Ideal for photo editing, montages and collages, scrapbooking. Features: clip, blend, change color, resize, rotate, pespective, text, paint, airbrush, color reduction, object grouping, etc.( cut out, clip, manipulate, collage, resize irregular sections of photos) kjClipper is a photo editing tool that allows you to cut out, clip, manipulate, color, paint, add text, and manipulate selections from a graphic image. The list of features includes: SELECTION (edge, region, area), MANIPULATION (resize, flip horizontal, flip vertical, rotate about an axis, perspective stretch, object grouping), TOUCHUP (feather edge, blend, adjust contrast, despeckle, resample, smooth sharpen), MODIFY (erase, area fill color, area fill hue, add brush strokes), CREATE (add text, paint brush, color selection), CREATIVE EFFECTS (charcoal sketch, convert to gray, invert color) and REDUCE COLOR for web-based graphics. Ideal for creative photo editing, collage and montage editing and scrapbooking as well as specialized professional photography editing at a price hundreds less than other equivalent options. photo editor, image editor, selection, edge selection, area selection, digital montage
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