(sometimes we provide two download links because it may happen that the main server / link is overloaded or slow or non responding - the files are identical. Just choose one, save to the Desktop, double click to install)
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safe (the last time we checked it, it was), but for your peace of mind (and better safe than sorry) we advise you to run an
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IPi Phone is internet IP to IP telephone software that allows you to talk and usetext chat. IPi Phone is easy to use. All you need to know is the other person IP address and you can connect to them and start talking over the internet for free.You can use secure communication and voice modification. It allows you to keep your privacy and stay anonymous.Communication can be encrypted with AES (160 bit key length).
IPi Phone is secure internet IP to IP telephone software)

IPi Phone is internet IP to IP telephone software that allows you to talk and use
text chat. IPi Phone is easy to use. All you need to know is the other person IP address
and you can connect to them and start talking over the internet for free.
You can use secure communication and voice modification.
It allows you to keep your privacy and stay anonymous.
Communication can be encrypted with AES (160 bit key length).
Main Features
Direct connection (IP to IP connect)
Full duplex voice communication
Conference calls
Optional half duplex voice communication
Secure communication (strong AES encryption)
Voice modification (10 levels)
Text chat while talking
Manual voice mute
Automatic voice mute
Selectable connection speed
TCP port configuration
Connect to HTTP tunnel proxy
Connect to SOCK proxy
Detect destination country from IP address
ip2ip software, phone software, ip telephony software, free phone software, talk software, speak free software