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TCP Splitter is a software tool that can split a TCP or UDP data stream into two or three identical data streams, so more than one application can simultaneously process the incoming data. For example, you can send NMEA 0183 data to a navigation application and simultaneously log the data using one of our loggers.

(The software tool that can split a TCP or UDP data stream to two destinations)TCP Splitter is a software tool that can split a TCP or UDP data stream into two or three identical data streams

CP Splitter is a software tool that can split a TCP or UDP data stream into two or three identical data streams, so more than one application can simultaneously process the incoming data. For example, you can send NMEA 0183 data to a navigation application and simultaneously log the data using one of our loggers. You can use TCP Splitter to build distributed monitoring systems where data is duplicated.

What problems can be solved with TCP Splitter?

Two navigation systems may get readings from one sensor.

Log data from your control system using our data loggers if initially this system does not have this feature.

A production line monitoring system is connected to a closed local network and you can make some of the collected data available in the Internet without compromising the security of the local network.

Owing to its features set TCP COM Bridge can sufficiently ease the work of software developers and testers occupied in the field of industrial automation. Furthermore, the program may also be useful in the reverse engineering as well as in educational needs. So go ahead and download FREE trial version now!
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