(sometimes we provide two download links because it may happen that the main server / link is overloaded or slow or non responding - the files are identical. Just choose one, save to the Desktop, double click to install)
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safe (the last time we checked it, it was), but for your peace of mind (and better safe than sorry) we advise you to run an
antivirus on the downloaded file. Do not rely on MSWindows, Internet explorer, or on the electronic signature: a unsigned download is usually as safe as a signed one, signed just means the author paid Microsoft or Verisign for a stamp, it does not mean verified. Please kindly
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PWMinder is a cross-platform, Password Manager application that is used to store all of your passwords and other sensitive data in a secure encrypted file. With PWMinder, you don't need to try and remember all of your various passwords, but rather create one very secure password, to be able access all of your other passwords in one place. Includes a configurable Password Generator Tool, and File Encryption Tool.
A secure, easy to use Password Manager for Windows.)

Personal security and privacy is becoming more and more of an issue, and it seems every web site, on-line store, on-line bank, social networking site, etc. asks you to create a login and password. We're told we should never re-use passwords, and password must not be something easily guessed. Most of us, however, don't follow these rules because there is no way we would be able to remember these dozens of unique, cryptic passwords. This is where PWMinder comes to the rescue!
PWMinder Desktop is a cross-platform, Password Manager application that is used to store all of your passwords and other sensitive data in a secure encrypted file. With PWMinder, you don't need to try and remember all of your various passwords, but rather create one very secure password, to be able access all of your other passwords in one place. Along with the PWMinder for iOS and Android, you can now manage your passwords at home and on the road.
PWMinder Desktop allows you to automatically log in to your favourite websites, and allows you to export and print all of your data. PWMinder also include a configurable Password Generator Tool, which allow you to create secure passwords. The latest version also includes a File Shredder, an Encryption Tool, and a Message Digest Tool, as well as better integration with Dropbox.
With the addition of PWMinder for iOS and Android and the use of Dropbox, your passwords become as mobile as your are. You can create a Repository of passwords on your Windows PC at work, then use PWMinder on your smart phone so you can access them the road. You can then open the Repository on your Mac, to access and edit your passwords at home. True Cross-Platform, Cross-Device compatibility!
Password program, Password Manager program, Security program, Privacy program, Password Generator program, Encryption program