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RightNote is an easy to use notes organizer and information manager that allows you to store, collect and organize different types of information in a single place and find that information very quickly. RightNote includes numerous features that help you deal with information more efficiently and productively and have fun doing it at the same time. With RightNote you'll know where to store all those bits of information and where to find them!

(Store notes and bits and pieces of information in one place and find them fast)RightNote is an easy to use notes organizer and information manager that allows you to store and organize different types of information in a single place and find that information very quickly. Handle information more efficiently and productively.

What is RightNote and how can it help you?

Here's a quick explanation: We all have to deal with bits and pieces of information on a daily basis: phone numbers of contacts, passwords, to-do lists, webpage snippets, research papers, accounting information, browser bookmarks, source code snippets etc..etc.. How do you deal with it all?

If you write things down on little pieces of paper or store this information in different files scattered on your computer, it wont be long before you run into the following problems:
(1) It's a (huge) bother trying to find something when you need to, having to sift through loads of information,
(2) it's hard to backup your important information (since it is not stored in a single place) and
(3) it's hard to protect sensitive information (e.g. credit card details).

RightNote solves all these problems by allowing you to store all your information in a single place, find things ultra fast with full text search and highlighted search results, and protect sensitive information by putting a lock on selected notes.

RightNote includes different types of notes to store different types of information. There's a word processing note for textual information and web clips, a spreadsheet note for accounting info or any type of list, a source code note for source code snippets, and the new Evernote note allows you to store selected notes in the cloud. All notes are stored in a hierarchical tree outline and can easily be moved around and re-organized at a later point.

Well that is just a very short summary. RightNote includes a large number of features that help you deal with notes and information more efficiently, make your data more memorable and organized, and stimulate your brain with colors, icons and tags.

What's more, there's a freeware version that includes a large number of RightNote's main features. The best thing to do is download a free trial of the Professional version or start using the Freeware version today!
Store notes, Manage notes, Notes manager, Notes organizer, Information manager, Organize information

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